Lana’s new book “Married To Paradise” is out now!

Lana’s new book “Married To Paradise” is out now!

Lana’s new book “Married To Paradise” is out now!

The change in your life can begin now!

Reconnect with Yourself. Discover the Healing Powers of Nature. Intimately care for others.

Reconnect with Yourself. Discover the Healing Powers of Nature.
Intimately care for others.

Reconnect with Yourself.
Discover the Healing Powers of Nature.
Intimately care for others.

Do you feel overwhelmed but don’t know where to start to find your balance?

Do you think that you are always giving to others but never getting enough back?

Are you taking care of everyone at the expense of your own health and wellbeing?

Maybe it is time to pause for a moment and ask yourself: what is it that I truly want in life?

If you are like most women, you certainly feel lost with so many distractions and responsibilities. After your long day of multitasking, you don’t have time to think about what you truly want. At least this is what your mind says.

And if this thought ever crossed your mind, you might even be tempted to push it back as you know it would take you deep to a place within yourself that you abandoned for so long.

You might be afraid to be who you want to be because of the commitments you have with others. You don’t want to let them down. And for some reason, you think that you have to sacrifice something to express your true self. This emotional emptiness leads you to doubt yourself and your strength, and worse you might feel stuck in a life you don’t enjoy anymore, and you wonder what your purpose in life is.

The truth is that there is more to life than taking care of others at your own expense. Everyone deserves a happy and fulfilled life, including YOU.

You can learn to care for yourself
so that caring for the ones you love becomes enriching, not draining.

You can learn to care for yourself so that caring for the ones you love becomes enriching, not draining.

You can learn to care for yourself so that caring for the ones you love becomes enriching, not draining.

You are more powerful than you think and there is a gentle way to come back home to yourself.

You can heal and give fully and completely while maintaining your health, harmony, and balance. It is time to find the courage to FEEL again.

It is time to be with yourself and only yourself to listen to your own needs. 

I have been in those shoes as so many of us have, so I understand how it feels to lose yourself in meeting the needs of others at the expense of your emotional and physical health.

Indeed, I lived most of my life using the masculine side of me to get things done and hold everything together while taking care of everyone at the expense of my health. I learned a lot along the way by healing myself and reconnecting with Nature. I discovered that there is another HEALTHIER way. Not only can we take care of others without emptying our energy, but also we actually have more to give to the ones we care about when we take care of our emotional health.

My heart’s desire today is to help you reconnect with yourself
so that you can live in joy and contribute to healing
your feminine energy so needed for ourselves and the planet.

My heart’s desire today is to help you reconnect with yourself so that you can live in joy and contribute to healing
your feminine energy so needed for ourselves and the planet.

How do we do this?

It starts with a decision: to give yourself permission to put yourself first.

Followed by a commitment: to take the time and space to reconnect with yourself on a Soul level.

Finally, to trust yourself and the process.

Here is the journey I am inviting you to take with me:

A little bit about me

I have always been happy in nature from a young age, but my real love story started in 1982 when I first came to Costa Rica and then in 1991 when I visited the Osa Peninsula in the southern part of Costa Rica for the first time.

The wildlife and natural beauty here were breathtaking, and the peace I felt inspired me to build a sustainable wellness eco lodge in the rain forest to share this beauty with the world. It sounded like a crazy idea at the time, but I was determined to pursue my dream… and it came true.

lana with puppy
lana wedmore

At the same time, I was going through my own healing journey, and I made the connection between my process and that of Mother Earth’s. I understood that we as humans need to heal to truly connect with nature and heal the planet.

This realization encouraged me to create the White Hawk Foundation and to join the Wellness Costa Rica Association, an organization committed to furthering the Sustainable Health of locals and visitors alike.

Client's Story

Lana Wedmore is truly what one might call “a force of nature”. Carving out a home in the unforgiving rainforest – while respecting and working with the land to create a paradise in the process – is no easy feat… But it’s obvious to anyone lucky enough to experience Luna Lodge for themselves that Lana has done just that, forging relationships with the land and her human support network in the process.Lana’s energy, her drive, and her nurturing approach (evident in the beautiful Reiki session I received from her) speak more than words ever could, but I can’t recommend her – and her passion for sustainable ecotourism – highly enough. And I can’t wait to share some more time with her on the Osa Peninsula!

Client's Story

Lana Wedmore is truly what one might call “a force of nature”. Carving out a home in the unforgiving rainforest – while respecting and working with the land to create a paradise in the process – is no easy feat… But it’s obvious to anyone lucky enough to experience Luna Lodge for themselves that Lana has done just that, forging relationships with the land and her human support network in the process.Lana’s energy, her drive, and her nurturing approach (evident in the beautiful Reiki session I received from her) speak more than words ever could, but I can’t recommend her – and her passion for sustainable ecotourism – highly enough. And I can’t wait to share some more time with her on the Osa Peninsula!

Find your balance with Lana

Your health is the most important thing in the world at this time.

I am happy to share a series of little gifts to help you start to find your balance in your daily life.

Please join me!

lana wedmore yoga


Nature is truly the best Medicine and the state of your mind designs the state of your health. Nature helps you fall in love with yourself, and likewise, with others because it is a reflection of you. Nature can help you find your true health and happiness. It brings peace back into your life without you even realizing it because it awakens your senses. It provides an actual calming effect. It will also bring you back to the present moment faster than anything. And the present moment is the best place to be.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


The word Reiki comes from Rei, meaning “a supernatural force or spiritual intelligence,” and Ki (qi), meaning “life energy.” It is generally translated as “universal life force energy.”

Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy and universal light. Reiki comes from the heart, not the head.

Reiki is one of the most effective ways to holistically take care of yourself. This spiritual Japanese hands on or distant healing practice helps you to relax, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With just one session, your energetic system begins to balance itself and you feel more at peace. It helps to ease pain, tension, and stress.

Shamanic Reiki

Shamanism and Reiki work together very well because they are both spiritual modalities. They compliment each other because they both balance and harmonize the subtle body. Reiki is working through the heart and Shamanism is founded on the view that all life, not just human life, has consciousness. The intelligence that infuses life empowers the shaman to transmute disease and harmonize imbalance. The truths of both Shamanism and Reiki are discovered through direct personal relationships. As a Healer one is able to intuitively understand that the Spirit world interfaces ours and everything within it can be communicated and interacted with.

Shamanism is one of the oldest practices of spirituality that exists today. It’s roots are buried thousands of years in our past. Indigenous shamanism teaches that nature can balance and revitalize and shift consciousness; it opens us to invisible and intrinsic energies that most of us are unaware of.

Each of us has the potential of being given a gift by the divine, which results in the body and soul becoming unified… a great many people will experience the blessings of the divine… Through it, the human being will first be made healthy, and then peace of mind and joy in life will be increased.

Cacao Ceremony

Both the Aztec and Mayan ancient civilizations held “ Cacao Ceremonies”. They obviously knew instinctively, what we now know scientifically. Cacao, the seed that serves as the basic ingredient for chocolate, has numerous health benefits! Traditionally, people drank Cacao not only for medical health, but also for spiritual awakening and creative guidance. Recent scientific studies point out the health benefits of a cup of pure cacao. Pure cacao beans contain numerous vitamins, minerals, and pure antioxidants. Drinking cacao releases feel good endorphins and increases blood flow. Therefore, for ceremonial purposes, it creates a “ natural high!”

Today, Cacao ceremonies may vary widely. They may be as simple as sharing a cup of cacao with a small group, reciting a mantra and raising a toast to an intention, or they may be a sophisticated, orchestrated spiritual ceremony for a large group.

Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing is the English Translation of the Japanese term “Shinrin- Yoku”, the ancient practice of simply immersing oneself in nature. This practice was revitalized in Japan in the 1980’s when scientific evidence revealed that simply spending time in nature produced measurable health benefits— both physically and psychologically. As a result, there is a worldwide movement to Get Back to Nature and Lana has trained to be a certified Forest Therapy Guide capable of leading you on a meaningful journey to lift the power of your senses as you travel with her in Nature.

Forest bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in nature in a mindful way using your senses to discover a whole range of benefits physical, mental, emotional and social.

Sound Healing

Sound therapy is a form of energy work that is used to tap into the body’s vibrational pitch. Sound Healing is actually a return to ancient cultural practices that uses chants, singing bowls and other instruments to restore health and relieve pain. Many people are just now learning how to tap into these feelings and discovering that this is energy that can be used to open one’s heart and soul. Energy is all around us at all times and when we use Sound Healing to tap into the energy of the Universe miracles can happen.

A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system


Yoga means “ union.” Therefore, yoga brings into alignment the body, mind and soul. Yoga is truly a science and a type of Art for me. It is an active intelligence that is awakening your whole body and bringing you back to the moment, which is the best place to be. The mind follows the habits of the breath and the body so when you can control the breath you can control your mind and body and vice versa.

I have been doing yoga for over 30 years and teaching for over 20 years. Yoga has truly saved my life, physically, mentally and spiritually. I could never have built my Lodge if I had not had yoga in my life. Yoga is life for me and it is a time I set aside each day to practice breathing deeply so as to quiet my mind, to exercise so as to strengthen my body, and to meditate to get in touch with my soul—my voice within. A daily practice has been proven to strengthen mental clarity and sharpness, emotional positivity and inspiration, and physical well- being. Come join me. I will definitely cater to your personal needs.